Thank you Mrs. Saxton for taking care of our students. We appreciate you. 🩹🩺
8 days ago, Leo Elementary
Nurses Day
Thank you for the coffee this morning!!
8 days ago, Leo Elementary
Coffee Truck
Thank you Ms. Rodgers for everything you do for Leo Elementary. We are so thankful for your dedication to our students and staff. Have an amazing day!!
10 days ago, Leo Elementary
Principal Day
Thank you to our Lunch Heroes, Mrs. Hanefeld, Mrs. Keyser, Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Greer, & Mrs. Grubbs. You ladies are awesome!!!
13 days ago, Leo Elementary
Lunch Hero Day
A big THANK YOU to our Read-a-Thon business sponsors this year. You helped us reach our goal and we appreciate your support this year. THANK YOU!!!
21 days ago, Leo Elementary
Marr & Thompson
Chiro Sports Med
A big thank you to Mrs. Kern, Mrs. Christle, and Mrs. Okeson for all you do for our school!!
22 days ago, Leo Elementary
Thank you
We will be having iLearn testing over the next couple of weeks. Thank you to our teachers for their hard work in preparing our students for success.
23 days ago, Leo Elementary
Leo Elementary School extends a heartfelt THANK YOU to our school community! We're incredibly proud of our readers and grateful for your support, which made our fundraiser a success. Our students had a wonderful time reading. We can't wait to host another Read-A-Thon next year! Thanks again!!
about 2 months ago, Leo Elementary
Thank you
Leo Elementary School readers are rounding the corner to the finish line. We are so proud of them! Would you please share Read-A-Thon with all your friends and family to support our hardworking readers one last time? Our readers want to finish strong! Thanks so much!!
about 2 months ago, Leo Elementary
Finish line
Only 1 week left to get those minutes logged in and those donations online!! Your student will NOT want to miss out on earning all the amazing prizes available!! Only a few more days to message family and friends. We are almost to our goal in reading minutes and fundraising!! Keep up the awesome work Leo Families!!
about 2 months ago, Leo Elementary
This would be a great time to reach out to family and friends and let them know how they can support your student during our Read-a-thon. If you send at least 10 text messages your student can participate in their class video game party. It's very easy to get those messages out, do it right from their Read-a-thon account. Thank you for all you've done so far to help with our fundraiser!!
about 2 months ago, Leo Elementary
Video Game  Party
Remind your reader to log their reading minutes. They can win so many prizes. A few examples are a giant candy bar, classroom pizza party, a gift basket, and a $50 gift card. Keep up the great work!!
2 months ago, Leo Elementary
Log Minutes
Leo Elementary School is all about reading right now. Please help us spread the word about our Read-A-Thon by sharing this quick email with your friends and family: Thank you for your support, Leo Elementary School
2 months ago, Leo Elementary
Email image
Our school is currently reading more than ever during our Read-A-Thon. We want to make this the most successful Read-A-Thon, but can't do it without your support. You can help us be successful by sharing your student's reading donation page and message with friends and family on social media. By using the link below to share, you can celebrate your child's achievements and support our school: Thanks so much!!
2 months ago, Leo Elementary
Social Media
Did you know students can eat breakfast FREE every morning? 🧇 This Friday we will be serving Dutch waffles and if your student gets a breakfast they will also get a FREE hot chocolate. ☕ They start serving breakfast around 7:25 AM in the cafeteria.
2 months ago, Leo Elementary
Dutch waffles
Tomorrow our Read-a-Thon dress up theme is wear RED in support of Riley Hospital. Don't forget!!
2 months ago, Leo Elementary
Wear Red
Grandparents are a huge part of our children's lives, and they can be a fantastic support in reaching those reading goals. During our Read-A-Thon, they can help encourage your child by donating to your child's reading goal. To help them get involved, below is a link you can use to easily email them about supporting our fundraiser: Together let's encourage a lifelong passion for reading!
2 months ago, Leo Elementary
We're counting on you to make our read-a-thon a success. If you have have not done so already, please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page by clicking on the following link: It only takes a minute or two, and your support will greatly assist us in meeting our financial goals. Thank you for your help in reaching our goal.
3 months ago, Leo Elementary
Don't forget
Lace up your skates!! The PTO is having 2 skate nights in March. Hope to see you there.
3 months ago, Leo Elementary
Skate Night
Would you like to win an all-expense paid trip to Walt Disney Theme Park for your family? We'd love to make that dream come true! Our school is holding a Read-A-Thon Fundraiser, and it's a fantastic opportunity for your child to raise money while enjoying their favorite books. As a special bonus, any child who sends 10 text messages through their dashboard to promote our fundraiser will automatically be entered into a nationwide drawing for a magical trip for four to Walt Disney Theme Park. We'll select one lucky winner each season from all the Read-A-Thons held during that season. To create your student account, click on the link below (less than 5 minutes): Thank you for your support!!
3 months ago, Leo Elementary